Monday, January 21, 2008

God Has Everything We Need

The father said to his servants, "Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." And they began to be merry. —Luke 15:22–24

Have you ever searched for something only to discover that it was there the whole time, right underneath your nose? You name it, I’ve lost it - keys, phone, wallet, remote. I searched everywhere, blamed everyone, and retraced every step. Then, there it was. After lots of searching (I could have changed the channel the old fashioned way, but no…) it was right where I left it, right under my nose.

If you have ever done that, and I’m sure you have, you have a lot in common with the Prodigal Son from Jesus' parable in Luke 15. The parable tells of a young man who left his father's house in an attempt to find fulfillment in the things he thought would make him happy. Apparently from the young man's actions, he believed nice clothes, fine food, and big parties would bring him happiness. He soon had lost everything and his “riches” turned into wearing rags, dining with the pigs, and the feeling of loneliness.

It's noteworthy that after the Prodigal Son lost all he had and returned to his father's house, he realized that everything he was looking for in life was at home. He understand real success, true worth, and genuine purpose was found in his father’s house. What did the father do when the prodigal son returned? He said, "Bring out the best robe . . . and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet" (Luke 15:22). Essentially he gave his son nice clothes. "Bring the fatted calf here," the father said (verse 23). He gave his son fine feast. "Let us eat and be merry," he exclaimed (verse 23). He threw his son a big party.

In reality, the son could have done without the gifts and party. He had tried that before. What he truly wanted was love, acceptance, and purpose from his father. Everything he desired in life was in a relationship with his father.

Have you ever come to that realization? Are you searching for true happiness and genuine fulfillment in life? The finest clothing, jewelry and parties will not do it. Everything that we need in life to be happy and fulfilled is found in a relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

Stop searching for happiness and fulfillment. Its right under you nose in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Why not trust in Him today? God the Father is waiting for you with open arms, ready to say, “Welcome home son.”

1 comment:

  1. I think the older brothers response to his long lost brother coming home is the shocker of the story. We all need to learn from what the father tells him.
