Read Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
If you know me, you know I can’t dance. Not even a little bit. When I was in the High School band, we were not just a marching band - we were a dancing band. That is, everyone except me. I kept getting the solos for some reason. I dreaded dancing in the band, especially parades.
My oldest daughter is in dance class and I found out that we are doing a “Daddy-Daughter Dance” in the recital. At first I wasn’t too thrilled but thought I could hide in the back. Then I thought, “There are a couple of my friends there I know can’t dance. Maybe they will steal all the attention.” I was relieved as I went to practice and learned the dance with probably 60 other dads. There is strength in numbers. We’re dancing to the song “My Girl.” It wasn’t so bad. A twist here and a hug and kiss with my daughter and my 1 minute and 15 seconds of fame is complete.
As we drove home from the last practice, my daughter said, “Daddy, you’re the best daddy-dancer ever.” She has the gift of embellishment. I said, “Thanks, you’re the best daughter-dancer ever.” I’m looking forward to the Daddy-Daughter Dance.
I heard a song on the radio by Steven Curtis Chapman recently entitled “Cinderella”. Its about his daughter and how fast she grew up and his struggle to not miss any moment of it. It made me think - I’ll gladly embarrass myself dancing if I don’t have to miss out on a moment with my daughter.
That short dance made me realize I had to work hard if I didn’t want to miss out on the moments that are fleeting with my kids. Silly tea parties, saving her from the pretend sharks in the backyard, waking up early in the morning for chocolate milk and jelly toast - all those moments will fade one day. Will I have missed them? Will I have found “more important” things to do? What memories will we have together?
The Bible says in Psalm 127:3, “Children are a blessing from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Am I basking in the reward or busy in the rat race? Am I counting my blessings each moment with my children or am I loosing opportunities to grow closer with them?
How about you? Are you cherishing every moment with your children? Do you see them as a blessing or a distraction? Are they a reward from God or a burden? I want to bring my girls up in the Lord and I can only do that as I grow in Him.
No matter what age your children are, it’s never too late to start spending quality time with them. After all, “love” to them is spelled “t-i-m-e”. Quality time with your family only comes through quantity time. Look for ways to teach Godly principles to them through everyday living. Enjoy your time. Laugh. Have fun. Relax. Don’t give up.
Lord, teach me to be like you because my daughters want to be like me. Help them see the great Father and Husband you are through my relationship with my wife and them. Orchestrate and choreograph my life as I dance on the stage of life with my wife and girls.
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