1. When did begging, settling, and taking "whoever will come" take the place of recruiting for workers in ministry? (I have no person or ministry specifically in mind here). The point - go after individuals for your ministry that you have prayed about. Sit down with them, cast vision for your ministry, and show them your heart and passion. Explain to them the high calling of your ministry. Show them where they can make a difference and become part of a team. Don't give them a laundry list of complaints, low vision, and years of desperation and expect them to come in a save the day. Invest in them. Equip them. Show them your heart for your ministry - you know the one you used to have before you became weary? Ask the Lord to renew your strength and help you build His ministry (remember it isn't yours to bear alone - Hebrews 4:15-16).
2. I agree with the Arkansas Unmarried Couple Adoption Ban. There are many reasons I agree with this. One of them is kids coming out of an unstable home life need to go into a stable environment. The church, rightfully so, helped push this through to being accepted back in 2008. Now, the same church that pushed this through has to step up and start adopting kids and becoming foster parents. We just can't tell others they can't adopt and hope someone else does it - the church's married couples and singles have to start adopting and being foster parents!
3. I'm so desperate for our young families in the church to succeed. My heart is full of things to say to them. I've recorded 6 lessons on CD and have 3 more in the works. My plan is to give one lesson out every two weeks to the families of our church to help them grow as a family.
4. I'm excited about the single ladies' oil change/car wash this coming Sunday afternoon. It is going to be good as we serve some of our single moms, widows and single women of the church. Anyone who wants to help, let me know. We'll probably serve about 30 or so ladies.
5. Why should you pray for the impossible - because Jesus did the impossible!
6. What should your vision be as you walk through the door at church? 1. How can I serve and love those who are visiting today? 2. What can I write down from the message today so I can it share with someone this next week? 3. What is the Holy Spirit wanting to do in my life today? 4. What do I need to leave outside these doors that will inhibit #1-3?
7. If you don't take a double take when God reveals His plan for your life, you probably didn't hear from God. Just when you think you've got everything about His will for your life all figured out, He'll spin your head around every time.
8. "One of these days..." is not a good excuse for procrastinating God's plan for your life. Most of the time, "one day" never comes. Don't consider His plan - DO IT! Go for it!
9. A person's first step away from God is usually when they step away from the people of God.
10. Whenever God asks you to give up something, trust Him - He will always replace it with something better!
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