Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ten Random Reasons I Wish People Would Just Shut Up, Do What God Says, and Stop Making Excuses, Step Up and Be the Body of Christ...

Ok, that is probably the longest title I've ever had for a blog or anything else but it doesn't get any more down to earth than that.

There are too many people in the Church who say they just can't do what God has called them to do.  Why is that?  Stop making excuses, surrender, and as someone once said "shut up and put up."  Here are ten reasons I think keep people from doing the Lord's work.
1.  People think too much about their inabilities and not enough about God's ability.  Stop saying you can't when God can!

2.  People think everything needs to make complete sense before they act.  Almost nowhere in scripture do God's instructions make complete sense. Stop waiting for all the answers and just have faith.
3.  People think God is going to give them easy tasks if they just wait around long enough.  What?  Almost nowhere in scripture are God's tasks easy.  Stop waiting around for perfect conditions and just obey.
4.  People don't think God could use them to do something great.  Mostly because they don't think they are greatly created, God is great, or He has great purposes for them.  What about the awesome things God dis throughout scripture through simple, every-day people? 

5.  People are more afraid of what others will think than what God thinks.

6.  People think they can't do what God says they can.  Stop calling God a liar.  Why would He keep bringing it up if He didn't think you could do it?

7.  People think someone else will do it.  If so, why isn't it getting done and why does He keep bringing it up in your mind?

8.  People think there is plenty of time to accomplish it.  Why get started today?  There's always tomorrow?  Have we forgotten that life is like a vapor - we are not promised tomorrow.  We must live in the now!

9.  People think they can never be as great as "such and such" Christian leader who has done huge things for God.  Why bother!  Remember, you are the next Billy Graham.  You are the next Apostle Paul.  One day, they will say, "If I were only like ___________ (put your name in the blank) then I could accomplish great things for God.  How do you do make this happen?  Live for Christ all your days, striving hard in reckless pursuit after Him, keep saying yes, trust and obey Him with great faith and then people will be adding your name to the list of those who did great things for Christ.

10.  People think too much.  Stop thinking and start trusting.  Stop analyzing everything and start accepting it.  Stop spinning your wheels and revving your engine.  No one is impressed until you actually burn rubber and get going somewhere. 

Think about this:
  • What if Noah had said, “I can’t build a boat that big.  Maybe if I took a few boat building classes first?”
  • What if Moses had said, "I can't lead all these people out of Egypt.  They'll never follow a murderer like me!"
  • What if Abraham had said, “I can’t relocate at this stage in my life.  What about my retirement?”
  • What if David had said, “I can’t fight that giant.  Someone else should step up and do something about this.”
  • What if Daniel had said, "I can't because I'm allergic to cats."
  • What if Jonah had said, "I can't because..."  Oh wait, he did say he couldn't.  See what happens when you make excuses?
  • What if Nehemiah had said, “I can’t build a wall around an entire city.  I don't know where to begin.  I'm not even a carpenter.”
  • What if Peter had said, “Remember me, I denied Christ to a little servant girl.  I can’t preach to all of these people on the Day of Pentecost.  Someone else should do it.”
  • What if Paul had said, “I can’t write all this stuff down.  No one wants to read what a murderer has to say."
We have to stop saying we can't because of us.  We have to start saying we can because of Him. 
God is able.  He will do it.  It is time to shut up with the "I cant's" and obey the voice of God.  Life is short.  Hell is hot.  Heaven is real.  God is able.  We are called. Victory is certain! 
Repeat after me, "I can do ALL things through Christ who give me strength."  Now, get off your fat excuses and start living on purpose for the Kingdom!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Discipling My Kids

God didn't give me kids so I would raise nice girls who make good grades, love cheerleading, and are social butterflies.  I have to say proudly that they are all of these.  I don't want to raise nice girls.  I want to disciple young women who look like Christ and will do great things for Him.  That's it.  Cute hair bows and pink and purple rooms aside, I must raise girls who look like Jesus and not just blend in the crowd of 7 and 4 year olds out there.

I want girls who will not just survive this crazy world but girls who will change it by invading it with the light of Christ.  So, how am I doing this?

About a month ago Kylee got up after the 2nd, no 10th time after being put to bed on a  school night.  It was a long weekend and it was getting late.  She asked, "Can you get me up early tomorrow so I can read the Bible and pray?"  "Good cover," I blurted out giving her props on not getting in trouble for getting up again.  She said she was serious.  I thought about that for a moment.  What would she read?  What would she pray?  Did she know how to study the Bible?  Sure, I have been helping them memorize scripture since they could talk but did she actually know how to get up and get in the Word? 

I asked her those same questions the next morning.  She said she didn't know where to start - imagine that?  A new believer in Christ who didn't know where to start studying or praying (can you pick up on my sarcasm?).  She needed to be discipled.  Who was going to do it?  Me!  I had prepared a short Bible study on true beauty the night before.  I thought about what a 7 year old girl should know.  After a week on faith, compassion, beauty, etc. I let her start picking the topic.  She picked worry, self-control, patience, love, and a host of other topics.  We have been studying the early ministry of Jesus this week - His fasting and temptation, His baptism, His meeting with Nicodemus, etc. 

Tonight, as I put her to bed, she said, "I'm the luckiest girl in the world!  I have a big warm bed, I had lots of yummy treats tonight from momma's party, and I have lots of cute things to wear (thanks to her mom's sense of style)."  Then she said, "Some little girls aren't as lucky as I am."  I agreed and said we would study how to be giving and help those in need tomorrow. 

So, I sponsored a 7 year old girl from ecquador named Melannie from Compassion International.  I want Kylee to experience giving and helping others that are less fortunate than she.  I printed out her picture, a map of where she lives (in relation to Arkansas) and her bio so Kylee could hang it on her wall and pray for her.  She'll correspond with this little girl several times a year till she's 18.  Wow!  Now that's cool.

I desire Kylee and Abby to change the world through the power of Christ working in them.  I want them to change the world around them before the world has a chance to change them.  I pray, as I have prayed before, they have a "boring" testimony (one without their lives falling apart - you know, one of those Christian horror stories).  I want to show them a life full of Christ that is not just great to come back to after you've strayed away but one that is worth never leaving in the first place.

God, help me to disciple my girls.  Teach me to be like You so they can see You in me.  Help them love you with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Transform them and renew their minds so they will know Your will and be your disciples.  If they are going to look like You, it is up to me and Haley to teach, model, and point them towards You.