Thursday, September 2, 2010

Forming Your Testimony

Here is a good method used to develop your personal testimony so you can share it with someone else. The first is your Conversion Story - how you came to know Christ. The second is a Recovery Story - what Christ has done or helped you with since salvation. Use these steps to write out your testimony. Make it brief. 2-3 minutes for the conversion story and 2-3 minutes for the recovery story.

Conversion Story (how you were saved)
Use the following outline to prepare your conversion story:
1. I have not always been a Christian. (Briefly describe your life
before becoming a Christian.)

2. I realized I needed Jesus and received Him into my life when…

3. The biggest change I have noticed in my life is . . .

4. May I share how something like this can happen to you?

Recovery Story (How Christ has helped you since you were saved)
Use the following outline to prepare your story of how Jesus helped you with a particular problem or need in your life. This is particularly helpful in bridging the gap to share the gospel with the unsaved:
1. My life seemed normal until . . .

2. I discovered hope and help in Jesus when . . .

3. I am glad I have a personal relationship with Jesus today because . . .

4. May I share how something like this can happen to you?

Now practice them both. Ask God to give you opportunities to to share about His redemptive work in your life. God bless as you share your personal testimonies!

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